
Yueqingshi North Starelectron Co.,Ltd


About Us


Tel: 0577-61719111
Fax: 0577-61719188
E-mail: chinanstar@foxmail.com
Web m.ppyy100.com
Zip 325604

Zhang Qu 3,Xinguang Industrial Zone,Liushi Town,

Yueqing City,Zhejiang Province

Corporate culture

Our mission
: To provide quality engineering and satisfactory service for customers to create the most value for customers;
Society: the construction of a solid and safe and economical basis;
Staff: create space for development, to enhance the value of employees, and to improve the quality of working life.

We trusted values
Integrity - promises
Hard work - God helps those who help themselves
Modest - open-minded
- Teamwork

Our code of conduct
Work style: serious and fast, our commitment!
Work attitude: to ensure that the job done, no excuses
Objectives: the pursuit of perfection, with some success!

Our business objective
Leading technology, service first, reputation first, quality first.

      Tel:0577-61719111 61719112  61719113    Fax:0577-61719188  E-mail:chinanstar@foxmail.com 
Copyright ©  Yueqingshi North Starelectron Co.,Ltd All Rights Reserved Add:Zhang Qu 3,Xinguang Industrial Zone,Liushi Town, Yueqing City,Zhejiang Province Manage